Sunday, November 24, 2019

Representation Analysis

     Representation in media is a major factor when it comes to promoting diversity and allowing the audience to get an understanding of different cultures and communities. Many groups of people and communities are poorly represented in the media today. For example, the LGBTQ community,  people of different races and body types, woman, disabled and elderly people, etc. In the Tide advertisement the female gender was represented and the idea of femininity was targeted. The room that it was shot in had very feminine aspects to it such as the light pastel colors and the mother was wearing a dress, however the young daughter was wearing a hoodie and cargo shorts representing how girls can dress however they chose too, even if it doesn't seem feminine enough. The effect on the audience can show that girls don't have to wear dresses and "girly" clothes. Young girls watching  may feel inspired or comfortable enough to express themselves through clothing in the way the girl dressed in the advertisement. The other advertisement that involved representation was from H&M. The video included a diverse representation of people that were Arab, Asian and Pacific Islander, African American, Latin decent, LGBTQ, mixed race, and transgender. This targets groups that are under represented in the media today. The commercial features models that differentiate in size, age, gender, sexuality, religion, race, ethnicity, abilities. As well as people with different style hair, which includes presenting their under arm hair, beards, and head hair differently. The commercial features a rules that conflict elements of fashion which can have a positive effect on modern day culture. The effect of the representation in this advertisement is allowing all different kinds of people to feel equally and as important as anyone else. It motivates these under represented groups to feel proud of who they are and not afraid to be themselves. This may also motivate these people to donate their clothes, in which is the overall aim of the commercial.

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