Thursday, April 8, 2021

Meeting With Our Teacher

 On Wednesday my group and I were called into a breakout room Microsoft teams call to discuss our project and for her to hear updates and if we are facing any obstacles that she should know about. This meeting was very beneficial because we were able to tell her about how far along we are with editing and the magazine. I shared my screen on the teams call with my group and I showed them the progress I made on the magazine so far! This was a great way to use technology to our advantage during these times when we simply can’t show our peers our work. My teacher stated that the outline was a great pic and she liked the inclusion on the pictures. I mentioned I wanted to do a Q&A portion on the left column and she recommended I just incorporated that into the article. She advised me to try to come up with additional important information to include in that space and to remove some elements that may not be necessary that are a part of the outline. One thing she pointed out was that the location choice may have been poor considering the audio may be impacted by the outdoor sounds. We also noticed this problem right away as I mentioned before and the best solution was to record on voice memos as backup audio. Although, this still may have been a poor choice considering the low quality microphone and the outdoor sounds, Jennifer is using a software on iMovie to eliminate as much miscellaneous sound. Overall the meeting went well and she was proud of our progress and said we were doing well on our blogs! As we are getting close to our deadlines I am getting more eager to see our complete project. Stay tuned for more progress on our production “The Next Step!”

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